Fort Meigs: Ohio's War of 1812 Battlefield
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Fort Meigs: Ohio's War of 1812 Battlefield


The Toledo area is continually looking forward, reinventing and revitalizing itself. Yet, our area is steeped in history, with the ties to our colorful past woven into the very fabric of our communities.

At Fort Meigs in Perrysburg, a reconstructed fort and museum bring our history as a critical centerpiece of the War of 1812 to life for visitors of all ages. Just down the street stands a statue celebrating the city’s namesake, Commodore Perry. Over in Maumee, a monument to the Battle of Fallen Timbers rests on the grounds where the final battle of the Northwest Indian War was fought.

On the beautiful estate grounds known as Wildwood Preserve, is a well-preserved Georgian Colonial home whose history stands in testament to our area’s struggles—and ultimate success—in surviving the Great Depression and World War II.

“Holy Toledo!” It’s a phrase familiar to most. It’s speculated that its origin ties back to the rich, diverse faiths that have long been home to the area and are very much alive within the many resplendent churches, cathedrals, mosques, synagogues and temples to be found throughout our communities.

In fact, historic architecture is always on full display throughout our region. The beautiful homes and churches found in our Old West End are an especially wonderful sight to behold for visitors and residents alike.

So, when travelling to the Toledo area, prepare yourself to travel back in time by visiting the many historical sites, landmarks and attractions listed below.


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Image for Fort Meigs: Ohio's War of 1812 Battlefield

Fort Meigs: Ohio's War of 1812 Battlefield

Image for Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & Museums

Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & Museums

Image for Battle of Fallen Timbers National Historic Site

Battle of Fallen Timbers National Historic Site

Image for Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral

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